布依族服饰上衣 The Bouyei Costume Top
Dublin Core
布依族服饰上衣 The Bouyei Costume Top
挑花 Crossing stitch,剪贴绣 Applique,八角星 Octagram pattern
(简)服饰上衣的底布和刺绣都主要采用了蓝色调,上衣的衣袖和前胸部分都有八角星图案,整体较为沉实朴素。此服饰上衣运用了挑花和剪贴绣 。这件藏品这也是贯首服的一种,是为有领贯首衣。贯首服常见于苗族、壮族和布依族,由于面料珍贵和布幅宽度的限制,制作者便将衣服裁剪为几何形,尽量减少因裁剪而造成的布料浪费,是民间妇女「物尽其用」的智慧体现。
(ENG) The Bouyei Costume Top; The base fabric and embroideries are mainly in blue, which is relatively simple and plain. Crossing stitch and applique are used. It is a type of collared-robe. Robes are commonly found in the Miao, Zhuang and Buyi. Due to the rarity and the limitation in width of the fabrics, the makers cut the clothes into geometric shapes to minimize the waste of fabrics caused by cutting. It is a manifestation of wisdom of the folk women who “make best use of everything”. In terms of embroidery patterns, this costume is different from the octagram patterns found on previous clothings.
(繁)服飾上衣的底布和刺繡都主要採用了藍色調,上衣的衣袖和前胸部分都有八角星圖案,整體較為沈實樸素。此服飾上衣運用了挑花和剪貼繡 。這件藏品這也是貫首服的一種,是為有領貫首衣。貫首服常見於苗族、壯族和布依族,由於面料珍貴和布幅寬度的限制,製作者便將衣服裁剪為幾何形,盡量減少因裁剪而造成的布料浪費,是民間婦女「物盡其用」的智慧體現。
(ENG) The Bouyei Costume Top; The base fabric and embroideries are mainly in blue, which is relatively simple and plain. Crossing stitch and applique are used. It is a type of collared-robe. Robes are commonly found in the Miao, Zhuang and Buyi. Due to the rarity and the limitation in width of the fabrics, the makers cut the clothes into geometric shapes to minimize the waste of fabrics caused by cutting. It is a manifestation of wisdom of the folk women who “make best use of everything”. In terms of embroidery patterns, this costume is different from the octagram patterns found on previous clothings.
(繁)服飾上衣的底布和刺繡都主要採用了藍色調,上衣的衣袖和前胸部分都有八角星圖案,整體較為沈實樸素。此服飾上衣運用了挑花和剪貼繡 。這件藏品這也是貫首服的一種,是為有領貫首衣。貫首服常見於苗族、壯族和布依族,由於面料珍貴和布幅寬度的限制,製作者便將衣服裁剪為幾何形,盡量減少因裁剪而造成的布料浪費,是民間婦女「物盡其用」的智慧體現。
布依族 The Bouyei
民国 Republic of China
贵州兰妈妈多彩衣妆苗绣博物馆馆藏 Lanmama Museum Collection
贵阳市乌当区 Guiyang Wudang District
布依族 The Bouyei, “布依族服饰上衣 The Bouyei Costume Top,” Gifts from Lanmama: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in Guizhou 兰妈妈的礼物——贵州少数民族传统绣织染非遗技艺, accessed January 8, 2025, https://lanmama.lib.hku.hk/items/show/94.