雷山古苗衣 Leishan Old Miao Coat
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雷山古苗衣 Leishan Old Miao Coat
平绣 Flat stitch,叠绣 Stack stitch,数纱绣 Counted thread stitch,石榴 Pomegranate,桃子 Peach,由蝴蝶变形而成的花纹 Butterfly-transformed flower pattern
(简)苗衣色彩鲜明,在红色底布上绣上青蓝、鹅黄、粉红等亮色,用色大胆、夺目活泼。此苗衣运用了平绣、叠绣和数纱绣。刺绣图案有水果和各种变形为花纹的蝴蝶,十分具想像力和创造力。 《枫木歌》描述道:从树心里生出「妹榜妹留」,妹榜妹留指的就是蝴蝶。蝴蝶逐渐长大,生下十二个蛋,由脊宇鸟抱了16年,孵出了雷公、水龙、老虎、水牛、蜈蚣、老蛇和苗族的祖先——姜央。蝴蝶纹代表苗族祖先,可见制作者表达了对祖先的崇敬与缅怀。
(ENG) Leishan old Miao coat: red base cloth with embroidered bright colours including blue, yellow and pink. The colours used are lively, bold and eye catching. Flat stitch, stack stitch and counted thread stitch are used. The imaginative and creative embroidered patterns include fruits and butterflies metamorphosed as flower patterns. Maple Song states: Mais Bangx Mais Lief (Mama butterfly) was born from the pith of a tree. Mais Bangx Mais Lief refers to a butterfly which gradually grew and laid twelve eggs which were then cared for by the Divine Bird for 16 years. Thunder god, water dragon, tiger, buffalo, centipede, old snake and the ancestor of the Miao, Jiang Yang, hatched from the eggs. The butterfly pattern represents the Miao’s ancestry and cultural heritage and expresses the crafter’s respect for and remembrance of their ancestors.
(繁)苗衣色彩鮮明,在紅色底布上繡上青藍、鵝黃、粉紅等亮色,用色大膽、奪目活潑。此苗衣運用了平繡、疊繡和數紗繡。刺繡圖案有水果和各種變形為花紋的蝴蝶,十分具想像力和創造力。 《楓木歌》描述道:從樹心裡生出「妹榜妹留」,妹榜妹留指的就是蝴蝶。蝴蝶逐漸長大,生下十二個蛋,由脊宇鳥抱了16年,孵出了雷公、水龍、老虎、水牛、蜈蚣、老蛇和苗族的祖先——姜央。蝴蝶紋代表苗族祖先,可見製作者表達了對祖先的崇敬與緬懷。
(ENG) Leishan old Miao coat: red base cloth with embroidered bright colours including blue, yellow and pink. The colours used are lively, bold and eye catching. Flat stitch, stack stitch and counted thread stitch are used. The imaginative and creative embroidered patterns include fruits and butterflies metamorphosed as flower patterns. Maple Song states: Mais Bangx Mais Lief (Mama butterfly) was born from the pith of a tree. Mais Bangx Mais Lief refers to a butterfly which gradually grew and laid twelve eggs which were then cared for by the Divine Bird for 16 years. Thunder god, water dragon, tiger, buffalo, centipede, old snake and the ancestor of the Miao, Jiang Yang, hatched from the eggs. The butterfly pattern represents the Miao’s ancestry and cultural heritage and expresses the crafter’s respect for and remembrance of their ancestors.
(繁)苗衣色彩鮮明,在紅色底布上繡上青藍、鵝黃、粉紅等亮色,用色大膽、奪目活潑。此苗衣運用了平繡、疊繡和數紗繡。刺繡圖案有水果和各種變形為花紋的蝴蝶,十分具想像力和創造力。 《楓木歌》描述道:從樹心裡生出「妹榜妹留」,妹榜妹留指的就是蝴蝶。蝴蝶逐漸長大,生下十二個蛋,由脊宇鳥抱了16年,孵出了雷公、水龍、老虎、水牛、蜈蚣、老蛇和苗族的祖先——姜央。蝴蝶紋代表苗族祖先,可見製作者表達了對祖先的崇敬與緬懷。
苗族 The Miao
晚清 Late Qing Dynasty
贵州兰妈妈多彩衣妆苗绣博物馆馆藏 Lanmama Museum Collection
雷山县西江镇 Leishan County Xijiang Town
苗族 The Miao, “雷山古苗衣 Leishan Old Miao Coat,” Gifts from Lanmama: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in Guizhou 兰妈妈的礼物——贵州少数民族传统绣织染非遗技艺, accessed March 10, 2025, https://lanmama.lib.hku.hk/items/show/78.