侗族绣花衣 The Dong Flower Costume
Dublin Core
侗族绣花衣 The Dong Flower Costume
侗族刺花 The Dong satin stitch,平绣 Flat stitch,数纱绣 Counted thread stitch,挑花 Crossing stitch,菱形图案Rhombic pattern,冰花纹 Ice flake pattern
(简)花衣整体为黑色,对称的菱形平均分布,佐以袖口和下摆的刺绣,朴素大方。此花衣运用了侗族刺花 、平绣 、数纱绣和挑花。菱形的中心饰有一个圆形,里面绣上了彩色的对称图纹,深具巧思,在黑白中添上色彩。侗族刺绣常见于广西、湖南、贵州等地区,为侗族妇女世代相传的传统技艺。侗绣体现了他们宽厚柔和的民族性格,用色规范,花纹细密玲珑,恬美雅致,别具风韵。
(ENG) Flower costume: predominantly black with embroideries on the cuffs and hem and equally distributed symmetrical thombuses. Dong satin stitch, flat stitch, counted thread stitch and crossing stitch are used to create a plain yet graceful costume. A circle, within which there are colourful symmetrical patterns, is decorated at the centre of each rhombus. Dong satin stitch is commonly found among the Guangxi, Hunan and Guizhou areas. It is a traditional craft Dong women pass down from generation to generation. Dong satin stitch embodies the Dong’s generous and gentle ethnic personality and uses traditional colour patterns. Patterns stitched are exquisite and elegant and have a unique charm.
(繁)花衣整體為黑色,對稱的菱形平均分佈,佐以袖口和下擺的刺繡,樸素大方。此花衣運用了侗族刺花 、平繡 、數紗繡和挑花。菱形的中心飾有一個圓形,裡面繡上了彩色的對稱圖紋,深具巧思,在黑白中添上色彩。侗族刺繡常見於廣西、湖南、貴州等地區,為侗族婦女世代相傳的傳統技藝。侗繡體現了他們寬厚柔和的民族性格,用色規範,花紋細密玲瓏,恬美雅緻,別具風韻。
(ENG) Flower costume: predominantly black with embroideries on the cuffs and hem and equally distributed symmetrical thombuses. Dong satin stitch, flat stitch, counted thread stitch and crossing stitch are used to create a plain yet graceful costume. A circle, within which there are colourful symmetrical patterns, is decorated at the centre of each rhombus. Dong satin stitch is commonly found among the Guangxi, Hunan and Guizhou areas. It is a traditional craft Dong women pass down from generation to generation. Dong satin stitch embodies the Dong’s generous and gentle ethnic personality and uses traditional colour patterns. Patterns stitched are exquisite and elegant and have a unique charm.
(繁)花衣整體為黑色,對稱的菱形平均分佈,佐以袖口和下擺的刺繡,樸素大方。此花衣運用了侗族刺花 、平繡 、數紗繡和挑花。菱形的中心飾有一個圓形,裡面繡上了彩色的對稱圖紋,深具巧思,在黑白中添上色彩。侗族刺繡常見於廣西、湖南、貴州等地區,為侗族婦女世代相傳的傳統技藝。侗繡體現了他們寬厚柔和的民族性格,用色規範,花紋細密玲瓏,恬美雅緻,別具風韻。
侗族 The Dong
民国 Republic of China
贵州兰妈妈多彩衣妆苗绣博物馆馆藏 Lanmama Museum Collection
贵州黔东南苗族侗族自治州黎平县 Guizhou Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture Liping County
侗族 The Dong, “侗族绣花衣 The Dong Flower Costume,” Gifts from Lanmama: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in Guizhou 兰妈妈的礼物——贵州少数民族传统绣织染非遗技艺, accessed January 6, 2025, https://lanmama.lib.hku.hk/items/show/80.